(503) 212-9411 Appointment

Financing Options

Apres Plastic Surgery / Dr. Aric Aghayan, M.D.

Financing Options  Portland

Exclusively offered by certain physicians, ALPHAEON Credit will provide you with a wide array of flexible, monthly payment options to help you reach your individual wellness and beauty goals.

Click here for more information or to apply.
Financing Options  Portland

PatientFi puts the patient’s best interest at the center of everything. Designed by the nation’s leading plastic surgeons, PatientFi allows you to pay for your treatment through flexible monthly payment plans, customized to fit your budget. Apply today to see which payment plan you qualify for with zero impact to your credit score!

Click here for more information or to apply.

Starting October 1, 2024, we will be implementing a small credit card surcharge of 3%.

Please note that this fee does not apply if you choose to pay with cash or a debit card. We appreciate your understanding and support!

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask our team

Embrace Your Evolution

Enjoy the pinnacle of cosmetic surgery expertise with board-certified Portland Plastic Surgeon Dr. Aric Aghayan at Après Plastic Surgery. With a legacy of over 1600 successful body contouring procedures, Dr. Aghayan stands as the foremost specialist in advanced body contouring technology and treatment options. Take the next big step on your beauty journey by scheduling a comprehensive plastic surgery consultation with Dr. Aghayan today.