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Will I Have Breast Reduction Scars One Year Later?

/ Dr. Aric Aghayan

After one year of healing from breast reduction surgery, you will have scars. However, once you consider the immense life improvements you'll experience after this procedure, it's easy to see that the scars will be well worth it.

Furthermore, breast reduction scars one year later will have flattened and lightened — but more on that later. First, let's go over what you can expect in terms of scar patterns after breast reduction.

What to Expect From Breast Reduction Scars

breast reduction scars one year later

We recommend looking up breast reduction scar timeline photos to see examples of these scars over time. One thing you'll instantly notice is that in nearly all cases, the appearance of scars improves. What was once a breast red scar with raised edges slowly becomes pink and less raised, and, finally, smooth and light in color.

The ultimate changes you see can take several months to a year. But as long as you follow your surgeon's directions and take care of your incisions as they heal, you should see excellent results. You will still certainly have visible scars after this surgery, but with patience and time, they should blend comfortably into your surrounding skin.

What Do Breast Reduction Scars Look Like?

The pattern of your scars after breast reduction will depend on what type of breast reduction you underwent. There are three main types or incision patterns that can be used for this surgery:

  • Lollipop reduction: The Scar pattern for lollipop breast reductions resembles a lollipop. An incision is made around the outer edge of each areola, and another vertical incision is made on the mid-lower half of each breast.
  • Anchor reduction: The scar pattern for anchor breast reductions resembles an anchor. This type of breast reduction is basically a lollipop reduction plus an additional incision made along each breast crease.
  • Liposuction reduction: This is not a reduction method that can be performed on everyone. It only requires extremely small incisions (just big enough for liposuction, so each incision needs to be just a few mm long). It's only for women who need a slight reduction in the size of their breasts because the procedure only removes fact — not skin or breast tissue.

Are Breast Reduction Scars Permanent?

2 years after breast reduction

Yes, scars from breast reduction are permanent. Unfortunately, a method for achieving significant results from breast reduction without scars has not been developed yet. Until then, if patients want a significant amount of fat, tissue, and skin removed from their breasts, incisions are necessary, and that means scars are necessary.

Long-term, even decades from now, you will still have your scars from breast reduction. But don't let this deter you from pursuing this procedure if it's something you really want.

Especially if you've been considering this surgery for a long time and you feel that it would make significant improvements in your life, scars shouldn't worry you. You'll be wearing undergarments and clothing over your breasts every day, which means your scars will only be visible without clothes. Even small bathing suits, bras, and most lingerie will cover your breast scars.

Meanwhile, you'll gain all the benefits of breast reduction surgery. You'll feel more comfortable, be able to exercise and play sports without pain, have an easier time finding clothes that fit and feel good, and reduce your back and shoulder pain.

Many boob reduction patients say they are so much more comfortable and happy with smaller breasts. Rashes, unwanted advances, and other large breast downsides are all addressed with this surgery, which routinely produces marvelous results. Most patients say they wish they'd gotten it sooner and not sat on it for so long.

How Long Does It Take for Boob Reduction Scars to Go Away?

breast reduction scars

While boob reduction scars will never completely go away, you will notice them fade and smooth out in the months following your surgery. You will see that in breast reduction recovery week by week, your scars will be slowly fading. Approximately six months after surgery, all of the swelling after breast reduction should be gone, and you should see your full results. In rare cases, it may take a few months longer than this.

So, what do breast lift scars look like a year later? They are usually smooth, thin, and a different color. The exact color depends on your natural skin tone. Those with lighter skin may have a pale pink scar after a year.

Those with darker skin may have more pigmentation in their scars, so after a year, their scars may be darker. For all skin types, 2 years after breast reduction, the scars should begin to lighten. With careful scar treatment, your scars will flatten and thin out as well.

How Do You Get Rid of Old Breast Reduction Scars?

You cannot completely get rid of old scars, but you can use various breast reduction scars treatment plans to reduce their appearance. Massage, silicone sheets or topical gels, steroid injections, and sunscreen are just a few examples of ways you can help keep your scars from being too obvious.

What Are the Long Term Effects of Breast Reduction?

Long-term, you should not suffer any ill-effects from breast reduction. Even though you will have scars for life, they will ideally continue to fade and flatten with time while you will continue to enjoy the benefits of undergoing this surgery.

In rare cases, complications from surgery may occur during or after breast reduction. These include possible fat necrosis, loss of sensation in the nipples and skin, painful scars, haematomas, seromas, and other risks.

Paying close attention to your aftercare instructions post-surgery can reduce your risk of these complications. Furthermore, they are extremely rare and similar to risks present in all types of surgery.

After surgery, it's important to maintain a healthy lifestyle by getting plenty of exercise and eating a healthy diet. In addition, maintaining a steady weight is something you will certainly want to do as the years go on. This is because significant weight gain overall can sometimes cause weight to return to the breasts.

Schedule a Consultation Appointment Today

If you're considering breast reduction surgery, scheduling a consultation appointment with a board-certified plastic surgeon is a good place to start. You'll be able to find out if you're a good candidate, have the doctor examine you and present you with options, and get answers to your questions.

To schedule a consultation appointment with Dr. Aric Aghayan, please give our Portland, OR office a call today.




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