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What to Expect From Breast Implants Scars

/ Dr. Aric Aghayan
Breast Implants Scars

When a patient gets breast implants scars are often a big concern. Larger, fuller breasts are desired, but, often, patients worry that the appearance of scars will detract from their results.

The truth is that unfortunately, so far, breast implants without scars are not possible (we wish they were!).

But there is good news: Scars from breast implants are not very noticeable most of the time. They are much smaller than breast lift scars, for example. Moreover, your surgeon will be doing everything possible to situate them discreetly. Finally, as time goes on, they should fade and flatten until they're quite difficult to see.

If you have been thinking about breast augmentation surgery, here's an overview of what you can expect in regards to scarring.

Do Breast Implants Leave Scars?

Yes. Breast augmentation scars accompany all breast implant surgeries because breast implant surgeries require incisions. Fortunately for plastic surgery patients seeking breast augmentation, however, breast implant scars can be extremely discreet. Here's how.

How to Minimize the Appearance of Scars After Breast Augmentation

#1 – Find a highly-skilled breast augmentation surgeon.

Your breast augmentation plastic surgeon should be board certified with experience performing breast augmentation procedures. You want someone who knows how to position your incisions discreetly and carefully for minimal scarring long-term.

#2 – Choose the right incision technique.

There are three main breast augmentation incision types: the periareolar incision, the inframammary incision, and the transaxillary incision.

With the periareolar incision, the incision is made around the edge of the areola. This usually leaves a difficult to discern scar but may affect nipple sensation. The inframammary incision is discreetly located in the inframammary fold (the breast crease), which is also difficult to see. Finally, the transaxillary incision is located within the armpit crease, which leaves the breast scar-free but can make implant placement more difficult.

#3 – Follow your recovery guidelines.

As with any surgical procedure, you will receive post surgical aftercare instructions from your surgeon. These instructions will include things like how to bathe, optimal sleeping positions, self-massage techniques (if applicable), medication guidance, and more. You'll also get a brief timeline of what you should be seeing in terms of recovery as you heal.

Do not stray from your instruction packet. Take these guidelines very seriously, and don't be afraid to ask questions if you have them. Doing this can help the breast tissue heal better, which, in turn, means less noticeable scarring and better results overall.

#4 – Use silicon gel as a scar treatment.

Several studies have shown significant improvement in scar appearance after regular and long-term use of silicone gel creams or silicone gel sheets. By using silicone-based scar treatments, you should notice your scars get flatter and lighter much sooner.

#5 – Stay out of the sun.

Sun exposure makes scars more noticeable. It can make the pigment of scars darker, and these changes may not fade. Avoid sun exposure, but if you must be outdoors and expose your scars to the sun, wear sunscreen.

#6 – Address potential issues quickly.

After all surgical procedures, patients must be aware of the potential complications that could arise. Infection, excessive bleeding, fluid accumulation, and other risks are all rare, but they can occur. Being aware of the symptoms and having close, regular communication with your surgeon will help should any issues arise.

#7 – Have patience.

Remember that the healing process takes time. A breast augmentation procedure is major surgery. Breast augmentation patients must relax, rest, and avoid strenuous activity.

Finally, wait. With time, you will notice your breast incision sites start to become flatter and less pigmented. Eventually, they will likely fade so much that you don't even see them anymore.

An Alternative Option: Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

Do Breast Implants Leave Scars

If the idea of scars is truly scary to you, consider a breast augmentation fat transfer procedure instead of getting breast implants. This procedure does not use implants, so incisions for implants won't be required.

Only liposuction and the reinjection of fat process are required for this procedure. Liposuction scars can happen, but they are, fortunately, only the size of small dots.

Just remember that with a fat transfer procedure, your breast volume can only increase a modest amount. If you want far larger breasts with surgery, you'll likely need implants.

Q&A: Breast Augmentation Recovery & Breast Implant Scars

Why do boob jobs leave scars?

During breast implant surgery, incisions are necessary because there needs to be a place to insert each breast implant. Therefore, breast augmentations (boob jobs) necessitate incisions. And incisions mean scarring — no matter how precise or small they are.

Do saline implants leave smaller scars?

Saline implants may require smaller-than-average breast augmentation scars because the compact silicone shell can be inserted first, then filled with saline solution to the adequate volume after insertion.

Can you get breast implants without scars?

No. You're never going to see before and after breast augmentation photos labeled “breast implants no scars”. However, there is a breast enhancement surgery that comes with extremely small scars — the smallest possible: fat transfer breast augmentation.

Essentially, plastic surgeons remove excess fat from one area of the body and reinject it into the breast area to add volume. The only scars that result from this surgery come from the fat removal (liposuction) process and are dot-sized.

How do breast implants not leave scars?

Technically, any time breast implants are used in surgery, there will be scarring. These breast implant incisions are required for implant insertion. However, there are many factors that may contribute to scars being nearly imperceptible after healing, including strategized incision placement, proper aftercare, and natural fading with time.

Schedule Your Consultation Appointment With Us

Scars From Breast Implants

Interested in breast implants but have more questions about scar tissue and scarring? Interested in learning about the different types of breast implants? We understand that scars after breast augmentation can be a major concern for patients, and we want to answer any and all questions you may have.

To learn more and start on the path toward breast augmentation surgery today, please give our Portland office a call to set up a consultation appointment with board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Aric Aghayan. We look forward to your call.



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