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What Is a Plus Size Tummy Tuck?

/ Dr. Aric Aghayan
What Is a Plus Size Tummy Tuck?  Portland

Tummy tucks can do wonders for a person's figure — not to mention their self-confidence.

Just take a look at these outstanding before and after tummy tuck photos to see the drastic difference this surgery can make. From contouring and shaping, to slimming to smoothing excess skin, a standard tummy tuck provides the absolute best results for women who've been pregnant, those who've lost a large amount of weight, and many others.

Unfortunately, a tummy tuck process has often been lumped in with surgeries that can only be performed on patients with BMIs in the “normal” range. In actuality, a tummy tuckcan be performed on patients with a wide range of body types.

If you consider yourself plus size and are interested in a tummy tuck plus size tummy tucks may be for you. Let's explore what this surgery is and what to expect when pursuing one.

Can You Be Plus Size and Get a Tummy Tuck?

What Is a Plus Size Tummy Tuck?  Portland

Yes. Plus size patients can certainly get tummy tucks. In fact, every year, a large number of tummy tuck patients are considered to be overweight based on their BMIs. Before we dive into the details, however, let's first define what “plus size” is in regards to plastic surgery.

Generally speaking, patients who are heavier than their ideal weight range by 30 pounds or more are labeled as “plus size”. Naturally, we know that everyone carries their weight differently. Therefore, this rough estimate is only that: an estimate. Patients may be considered “plus size” on paper but not look it in real life. Doctors and surgeons simply need to have a guide to go by when evaluating their patients for surgery safety.

Is a Tummy Tuck for a Plus-Size Individual Different?

The tummy tuck plus size patients undergo is going to be nearly identical to the tummy tuck other patients undergo. Most of the time, the main difference is that plus size patients may undergo more liposuction than other patients.

Liposuction is often used alongside tummy tuck surgery to remove stubborn excess fat from the abdomen. A tummy tuck takes care of excess skin, and liposuction takes care of excess fat. Because plus size patients will have more fat on their bodies, their tummy tuck surgery may require additional liposuction.

Am I a Candidate for a Plus-Size Tummy Tuck?

If you are obese or overweight plus size tummy tuck surgery can be a life-changing procedure. However, it's also important to note that not all obese and overweight patients are good candidates. You must first be evaluated by your surgeon and “okayed” for the procedure.

This is particularly important to note because a tummy tuck for plus size patients may be inherently riskier than those performed on patients in a normal BMI range. With this in mind, your surgeon will consider carefully whether to accept you as a patient.

Often, the verdict will depend on your overall health and their experience and expertise with plus size tummy tucks. Only your surgeon knows best whether moving forward with tummy tuck is safe for you and safe for them.

FAQ: Plus Size Tummy Tuck Near Me

What is the cost of plus size tummy tuck?

The ultimate cost of a plus size tummy tuck will depend on many different factors, from how intensive your surgery is, to who the doctor is that's performing it.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, typical tummy tucks cost around $6,500. Still, the ultimate cost may be higher than this depending on your situation.

What is the BMI for a plus size tummy tuck?

There are no set cut-off BMIs for all patients. However, patients with a BMI of more than 30 may be at higher risk for surgery-related complications, so your surgeon may ask about or calculate your body mass index when they are determining if you are a candidate for surgery.

Where can I find a plus size tummy tuck near me?

If you live in the Portland, OR area, make an appointment with Dr. Aric Aghayan to discuss your plus size tummy tuck options.

At what weight can you have a tummy tuck?

Typically, there are no definitive cut-off weights for tummy tucks. However, those with high BMIs may be at risk for more surgery-related complications and should try to lose weight before surgery.

What is recovery like after a plus size tummy tuck?

For your tummy tuck recovery, you'll need to take it easy for several weeks. You will have tummy tuck scars and experience some pain, discomfort, and swelling over the first few days, but after the first week or two, this should begin to die down.

After about one to two weeks, you will likely be able to return to work. After a few weeks more, you can inquire about returning to exercise and other physical activities. You should see your complete plus size tummy tuck results in about six months to a year.

Can you build abdominal muscles after tummy tuck?

Once the 12-week recovery phase concludes, patients can shift their focus towards sculpting their desired aesthetic by strengthening their loose abdominal muscles.

Get in Touch With Us

What Is a Plus Size Tummy Tuck?  Portland

If you've been hemming and hawing over getting plus size tummy tuck, but still aren't sure, book a consultation appointment with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Aric Aghayan.

Dr. Aghayan has an extensive range of experience performing tummy tucks on many different types of patients. Speak with him about your questions, concerns, and dreams and goals. At Après Plastic Surgery Portland, we are dedicated to finding a solution for every one of our patients' needs. Call us today to book your appointment.



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Enjoy the pinnacle of cosmetic surgery expertise with board-certified Portland Plastic Surgeon Dr. Aric Aghayan at Après Plastic Surgery. With a legacy of over 1600 successful body contouring procedures, Dr. Aghayan stands as the foremost specialist in advanced body contouring technology and treatment options. Take the next big step on your beauty journey by scheduling a comprehensive plastic surgery consultation with Dr. Aghayan today.