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Blog Après Plastic Surgery

Tips to Reduce Swelling After Breast Augmentation

/ Dr. Aric Aghayan
Tips to reduce swelling after breast augmentation

Want tips to reduce swelling after breast augmentation?

Breast augmentation surgery has the potential to be a truly transformative procedure for patients. It can significantly enhance self-esteem, expand clothing options, and instill a sense of sexiness and confidence. Many individuals report improved relationships with their partners and a newfound readiness to face the world after undergoing breast augmentation surgery.

However, it's important to note that all of these benefits come after the recovery period has concluded. If you are currently in the recovery phase or have yet to undergo surgery, you may be seeking tips to expedite this period.

Fortunately, you've come to the right place. Below, you'll find our top recommendations for reducing swelling after breast augmentation surgery, enabling you to accelerate the healing process and embrace your transformed figure more swiftly.

7 Tips to Reduce Swelling Day by Day After Breast Augmentation

When you've had breast augmentation and you feel like you seem to be experiencing more and more swelling day by day breast augmentation recovery can ultimately start to become slow and monotonous.

Fortunately, there's good news here:

  • First, it's normal to feel this way.
  • Second, it's normal to have a lot of swelling.
  • Third, it will eventually subside.
Before and after breast augmentation swelling

Here are 7 tips to reduce before after breast augmentation swelling and get through your breast augmentation recovery both safely and quickly.

  1. Wear your surgical bra, and avoid underwire bras.

At the end of your surgery, Dr. Aghayan will place you in a surgical compression bra that will hold your breasts in place and help reduce swelling after breast augmentation surgery. This should be worn for as long as Dr. Aghayan prescribes.

Even later, when you are allowed to choose your own bras, your breasts may still be swollen and inflamed, which means that in all likelihood, you naturally won't gravitate toward uncomfortable underwire bras. That's a good thing because underwire bras have a tendency to further inflame incision sites and irritate the surrounding skin.

Stick to simple and comfortable cotton bras until around two to three months after surgery.

  1. Don't do any strenuous physical activities during the healing process.

While in recovery, avoid doing anything strenuous. This means refraining from any type of exercise, especially workouts that tax your body. In fact, you'll need to entirely refrain from any form of exercise (aside from slow, brief walks) for the first few weeks of your recovery. This is because doing strenuous activities can inflame your surgical sites even more and will not promote the reduction of swelling.

You should also avoid lifting anything heavy, and that includes children. If you have young kids at home, make sure you have help around the house because you won't be able to lift them or run after any rambunctious toddlers.

  1. Keep your upper body elevated slightly.

At all times, you should keep your upper body (chest) elevated above the rest of your body. Basically, you want to keep your incision areas above your heart.

This means that when you recline on the couch or lay down in bed, you should always be at a slight incline. This may be uncomfortable at times, but it is absolutely essential for reducing swelling and increasing excess fluids drainage.

  1. Sleep on your back.

Speaking of reclining, at night when you sleep, make sure your sleeping position is on your back to aid with swelling as well. You should never sleep on your front so that your chest is against the mattress after you've had breast augmentation surgery.

This will not only put excessive pressure on your incision site and possibly reopen them, but it may also potentially cause your implants to shift and your breast augmentation results to be compromised.

Sleeping on your back (with a slight elevation of the upper body as mentioned) is ideal for a good night's sleep. Use a wedge pillow (or a stack of regular pillows) the first week to help situate yourself in the ideal position. Patients find that putting risers under the two legs at the head of their beds to create a more permanent incline during their recovery.

  1. Use doctor-prescribed pain medication.

To help reduce swelling and for safe and proper pain management, you will receive one or more medications following your procedure (unless contraindicated).

Always follow the directions of Dr. Aghayan, especially concerning medication use. Take your medications as directed to help manage swelling, pain, and other symptoms. Transition to over-the-counter medications when possible.

  1. Get plenty of rest so your body heals.

Rest is the name of the game when it comes to reducing swelling after breast augmentation surgery recovery. Your body needs to rest and sleep in order to properly heal.

For those who are used to being active and always on-the-go, this can be tough. But it's important not to move too much or overtax your energy during breast augmentation recovery.

To help keep yourself occupied, plan ahead before your surgery by arranging activities you can do in a sedentary position (playing games with family members, chatting with friends, reading books or magazines, watching movies, making simple crafts, etc.).

And don't worry — it won't always be this way! Once you've achieved a healthy recovery, you'll be back to normal.

7. Maintain healthy habits.

Lastly, take care of yourself during your recovery. This means eating a healthy diet, drinking plenty of water, and exercising (once you are cleared to do so).

A healthy diet full of protein and fiber will help flush out toxins and keep your metabolism and digestion moving. Likewise, drinking more water helps to flush out excess fluid.

And finally, light exercise will promote better circulation, also aiding in swelling reduction.

Questions and Answers about Breast Augmentation surgery

Side swelling after breast augmentation

Why do my sides hurt after breast augmentation?

This discomfort is commonly attributed to either the capsule surrounding the implant or scar tissue. Occasionally, the capsule or scar tissue can irritate a nerve or muscle, leading to this sensation of discomfort and side swelling after breast augmentation.

How long does swelling last after breast implants?

The initial swelling and bruising typically diminish within one to two weeks following breast surgery. During this time, your muscles will start to loosen up, enabling the implants to gradually settle and become softer.

What day is swelling the worst after breast augmentation?

Patients with breast implants will typically experience breast augmentation swelling that reaches its maximum around day 3 or day 4 following the procedure.

How much swelling is normal after implants?

Swelling after breast augmentation usually reaches its highest point around the second or third day and then gradually subsides with less severe pain.

Schedule Your Breast Augmentation Surgery Consultation Today

Every year, there are hundreds of thousands of breast augmentation surgeries performed across the United States. The surgery continues to be one of the top five cosmetic surgeries in the country.

Patients seeking breast augmentation with breast implants continually seek the expertise of Dr. Aric Aghayan board certified plastic surgeon for his skill, expertise, and experience with this procedure.

To learn more about what breast augmentation with breast implants can do for you, contact our office today and schedule a consultation appointment with Dr. Aghayan.



Embrace Your Evolution

Enjoy the pinnacle of cosmetic surgery expertise with board-certified Portland Plastic Surgeon Dr. Aric Aghayan at Après Plastic Surgery. With a legacy of over 1600 successful body contouring procedures, Dr. Aghayan stands as the foremost specialist in advanced body contouring technology and treatment options. Take the next big step on your beauty journey by scheduling a comprehensive plastic surgery consultation with Dr. Aghayan today.