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How Much Does Vaser Liposuction Cost?

/ Dr. Aric Aghayan
Vaser Liposuction Cost

Vaser liposuction is a common cosmetic procedure that removes unwanted fat cells from the abdomen, flanks, buttocks, thighs, arms, and chest. The unique Vaser process results in gentle removal of fat cells, little discomfort during the procedure, and a faster overall recovery time. Patients also report superior results when compared with traditional liposuction.

Still, choosing to undergo a Vaser liposuction treatment for fat removal is not a simple decision, and one common challenge for patients is cost.

Unlike buying a pair of Spanx or signing up for a gym membership, deciding to get Vaser liposuction is a significant financial decision. For example, typical procedures for Vaser hi def liposuction cost around $7,000 to $10,000, or more.

This can seem daunting for some patients. However, something that inevitably convinces many people to “take the plunge” and get Vaser lipo is the enormous transformation this procedure can enable. Many who've spent years toiling at the gym or living on diet food — just to lose a belly pouch or spare tire — finally get rid of their stubborn excess fat with one simple Vaser liposuction procedure. For these patients, the cost is well worth it.

If you've been thinking about Vaser liposuction surgery but aren't sure about the cost, this article is for you. Below, we'll outline the most important factors that will influence the cost of your surgery and provide some financing options for those who are interested.

Calculating the Cost of Vaser Liposuction

The following factors will influence what your final Vaser liposuction cost is.

Consultation and Pre-Surgery Fees

High Definition Liposuction Cost

Some plastic surgeons will charge a separate fee for consultation appointments. This is largely because certain patients come in for consultations but never move forward with surgery.

Other pre-surgery fees may include payment for medical exams that are sometimes required prior to being authorized for surgery.

Surgeon's Fee

Surgeon's fees are based on the experience and expertise of your surgeon. So, a surgeon who specializes in fat removal using Vaser liposuction and has many years of experience will be in higher demand. Therefore, they are generally going to charge more.

Geographical Location of Surgery

As a rule, if you opt to undergo liposuction surgery (or any cosmetic surgery) in a large metropolitan area like Los Angeles, Chicago, or New York City, prices are going to be higher than in other more rural areas of the country. Costs of living are higher in these locations, which means the price of everything (including surgery) is going to be higher.

Scope of Treatment

Cost Of Vaser Liposuction

If you only require fat removal on your abdomen, most surgeons will charge a set fee for this area of the body. However, if you're looking to get liposuction on your arms, back, thighs, buttocks, or elsewhere, the cost of your procedure will increase with the number of areas you want to have treated.

Likewise, traditional Vaser liposuction cost ranges may differ from high definition liposuction cost ranges. This is because high definition lipo is a more precise and involved surgery. It can take longer and requires more training and skill on the surgeon's part.

Surgical Facility Fee

Many hospitals or surgical facilities charge their own fees for the use of their staff, equipment, medical supplies, etc.

Anesthesiologist's Fee

Some anesthesiologists will charge their own fees while other anesthesia-related costs will be included with surgical facility fees. This really depends on who your surgeon is, how they work with anesthesiologists, and where your surgery is going to take place. Keep in mind that local anesthesia tends to cost less than general anesthesia.

Post-Surgery Medications and Other Supplies

After surgery, medications will be required. Most patients need pain reducers for a short time, and antibiotics may be prescribed as well. Other potential expenses may include compression garments and cushions and pillows to make sleeping and sitting more comfortable at home.

Follow-Up Appointments

Finally, certain surgeons will charge separately for required follow-up appointments in the weeks and months after surgery. These are also sometimes included in overall prices for surgery, however, so check with your doctor.

Will Insurance Pay for Vaser Liposuction?

Vaser Hi Def Liposuction Cost

No, health insurance does not pay for elective cosmetic procedures like liposuction. In rare cases, insurance will cover surgery to reconstruct the breasts after a mastectomy or rhinoplasty to correct nasal breathing issues (such as with a deviated septum).

Alternatively, some weight loss patients may be eligible for coverage of skin removal surgery. When loose skin is causing issues such as chafing, infection, and chronic pain and discomfort, tummy tuck surgery and other skin removal surgeries may be performed, and these may be covered by certain health insurance plans.

How Can I Pay for My Vaser Liposuction Cost?

At Après Plastic Surgery, we offer several financing options to help you pay for Vaser liposuction or traditional liposuction. These include third-party credit establishments like CareCredit, PatientFi, and Alphaeon Credit. All of these credit establishments offer a variety of flexible payment plants, which can be customized to fit your budget.

Schedule a Consultation Appointment to Discuss Vaser Lipo

Interested in finding out more about getting rid of unwanted fat with Vaser liposuction in Portland? Contact Après Plastic Surgery today to schedule a one-on-one cosmetic surgery consultation appointment with Dr. Aric Aghayan.



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Enjoy the pinnacle of cosmetic surgery expertise with board-certified Portland Plastic Surgeon Dr. Aric Aghayan at Après Plastic Surgery. With a legacy of over 1600 successful body contouring procedures, Dr. Aghayan stands as the foremost specialist in advanced body contouring technology and treatment options. Take the next big step on your beauty journey by scheduling a comprehensive plastic surgery consultation with Dr. Aghayan today.

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