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Breast Revision Surgery Recovery Time Tips

/ Dr. Aric Aghayan
Breast Revision Surgery Recovery Time

The aim of breast revision surgery is to remove a patient's current implants and replace them with new ones. The average breast revision surgery recovery time is around four to six weeks.

Initial downtime should last one to two weeks. After this point, the majority of patients are able to return to work and most normal activities.

Of course, all of these timeframes will vary depending on the scope of your surgery. The specific techniques being used, the size of your breasts and implants, your overall health (and ability to heal), and other factors will all impact the duration of your recovery.

As you get better from breast revision, you'll be provided with guidelines that will help you manage pain, reduce swelling and fluid buildup, and heal properly. In addition to adhering closely to your surgeon's particular instructions, here are some tips for optimizing your recovery experience.

Top Tips for Breast Revision Surgery Recovery

#1 – Set yourself up for recovery success at home.

Recovery Time For Breast Implant Revision Surgery

Going home after surgery can be a daunting experience. It's always good to get help from friends and family members, but you'll also need to care for yourself at least some of the time.

To help yourself do this from the get-go, we recommend doing most of your prepping and planning before you have surgery — when you are most able. For instance, set up a comfortable area in your living room or bedroom where you have extra blankets and pillows, a computer or television where you can watch movies and TV shows, some paper and pencil, water and healthy snacks, tissues, a cell phone charger, etc. These are all things you'll need during your recovery, so why not gather them now!

#2 – Plan your sleeping setup.

Throughout your recovery time for breast implant revision surgery, you will be instructed how to sleep. The majority of patients need to sleep on an incline. This means laying at about a 45° angle, which will help reduce bruising and swelling.

Many patients say they will simply stack up pillows to create this incline, but this can quickly become complicated. Pillows shift and fall throughout the night. Or, they aren't firm enough to hold up your upper body to begin with. This can become cumbersome and annoying in the middle of the night.

A better idea is to purchase a wedge-shaped pillow that will prop you up at just the right angle. You might also consider getting a C- or U-shaped pregnancy pillow, which may be more comfortable than a firm wedge.

#3 – Get up and move (with care).

During cosmetic surgery recovery, moving is always a good thing …​ except when it's not.

Understanding how much you can move after surgery can be complicated, but your surgeon will help. Basically, you need to stay mobile, which means getting up and taking simple walks around the house a few times a day at first. As time goes on, you should move more and more.

The reason you need to get mobile right away is that you want to reduce swelling, ensure you stay in a good mood, and promote good circulation. On the other hand, moving too much can cause damage to your incision areas, wear you out, or otherwise complicate your recovery. Always follow Dr. Aghayan's directions.

#4 – Plan your meals ahead of time.

Let's face it: Eating will be one of your main activities after surgery. In fact, it's one of the only things you can do in terms of regular activity for a while!

Before you undergo surgery, ensure that you have meals and snacks planned. You can make up freezer meals, sign up for a meal plan service, get a friend or family member to help you out in the kitchen, or create some other plan that allows you to have regular healthy meals for at least one week post-surgery.

You'll also want to think about snacks. Have healthy snacks on-hand, including fruits and vegetables, protein bars, yogurt and cottage cheese, fruit, crackers, etc. Eating mostly junk food and fast-food after surgery is not okay. Fuel your body with healthy nutritious meals and snacks, and stay hydrated with plenty of water.

FAQ: Breast Revision Surgery Before and After

Will my breast revision procedure be easier than my initial breast enhancement surgery?

A revision surgery on any part of the body is nearly always more challenging and uncomfortable than the initial surgery. This goes for breast revision surgery as well.

How much does breast implant revision cost?

Your breast revision surgery cost will depend upon the scope of your procedure. While a typical breast implant revision may cost between $6,000 and $15,000 (average estimate), every patient is different.

One thing to note is that revision surgery almost always costs more than initial augmentation surgery. This is simply because revision surgeries tend to be more complicated than initial breast augmentation.

How painful is breast revision surgery?

Breast revision surgery is sometimes more painful than initial augmentation surgery because it is a secondary procedure. This means you will already have scar tissue from your initial breast augmentation.

Furthermore, if painful capsular contracture was the cause of the surgery (or another reason related to discomfort), the re-agitation of the breast tissue may further extend this pain during the recovery period. Again, all patients are different, so you can expect a level of pain that is unique to your circumstances and the state of your existing breast implants.

Are breast revision surgery results permanent?

Your new implants will be permanent in the sense that they should last for many years following your breast implant revision recovery. However, due to the natural aging process, breast tissue may sag or change shape over time, and breast implants do not last indefinitely. The good news is that, without breast implants or cosmetic breast surgery, the aging process would catch up with you much faster.

Book a Consultation Appointment to Discuss Breast Revision

Breast Revision Surgery Recovery

If you would like more information about undergoing a breast implant replacement procedure, breast lift surgery, or another breast surgery, please contact us today to book a consultation appointment with Dr. Aric Aghayan.



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