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Breast Augmentation Before and After Considerations

/ Dr. Aric Aghayan
Breast Augmentation Considerations  Portland

Sagging breasts. Breasts that lose volume. Breasts that are different sizes. Many women don't like how their chests look. Between childbirth, aging, and plain old genetics, sometimes our breasts simply don't look all perky and full like in the magazines and on TV.

Lucky for us, breast augmentation in Portland is now a popular and affordable plastic surgery procedure that can transform a woman's chest and give her a fuller, more feminine look.

Think about it: With one plastic surgery procedure, you could have bigger, fuller, and higher breasts that will make you look and feel so many years younger!

This guide gives you the rundown of things you need to consider about breast augmentation.

Why People Get Breast Augmentation

Many women desire to change how their breasts look for several reasons. We lay out the most common ones below. If any of these reasons resonate with you, please contact your plastic surgeon today.

Breasts Too Small

Many women with small breasts have body image issues than those with a larger bustline. Perhaps you feel ashamed of how your breasts look when you are clothed or not. A big problem for small-busted women is getting clothes to fit right.

Having breast augmentation can give you bigger breasts and more self-confidence. Plus, you'll fill out women's dresses and blouses better for an ideal feminine fit.

Weight Loss

Women who have experienced significant weight loss may notice that their breasts sag and droop. They've probably lost fat volume from the weight loss. But breast augmentation adds volume and shape to make your chest look like it once did.

Changes After Childbirth

Being pregnant and childbirth can change the appearance of the breasts. They may lose volume and get droopy. This is a particular problem if a woman has several children. Breast implants and a breast lift or even breast revision can give you back your younger figure.

To Look Youthful

Let's face it: As the years pass, the 'girls' can start to go south and lose volume. Many women over 40 like to get a breast augmentation to make them look more youthful.

Clothes Fit Better

Did you know that women's clothing is often made for women with a C-cup? Women with smaller breasts can find it hard to find clothes that fit. Breast augmentation can enhance your curves, so your clothes have a better fit.

What To Think About Before Your Breast Augmentation

We understand: You're dreaming of how your new, improved chest will look in clothes and the bedroom. But before a breast augmentation, you should consider some critical factors:

Breast Implants or Fat Transfer?

Did you know that saline and silicone implants are not your only choices for a breast augmentation? American Society of Plastic Surgeons data from 2016 shows that using fat transfer or fat grafts for breast augmentation increased by 70%.

This procedure uses liposuction to pull fat from other body parts. Once it's extracted, the fat undergoes a process that makes it suitable for placement into your breasts. However, you only can go up one or two cup sizes with fat transfer.

Breast Augmentation Won't Cure Sagging Breasts

Many women hate looking at their sagging breasts and say, “a breast augmentation is just what I need!” Well, an increase in size can make them sag more. Instead, consider a breast lift. This involves tightening tissues and snipping away excess skin and fat. The areolas and nipples also can be repositioned to make the breasts look higher.

Many patients opt for a lift and augmentation for ideal results.

Breast Implants Need Replacing Eventually

Saline and silicone breast implants are safe and last for years, but they don't usually last for life. You can expect your implants to last 10 or 15 years before replacement is needed. You should have a checkup annually to see how your implants are doing.

Choosing Implant Type Is Complex

There are several factors to consider when you choose your breast implants. Should they be round or teardrop-shaped? Smooth or textured shell? And choosing the right size depends on your proportions, skin elasticity, and posture.

Saline implants have a more realistic feel, but some women are concerned if the implant leaks. This rarely happens, but if it ever does, saline will readily absorb into the body, not silicone. Also, saline implants can be inserted flat in the chest and filled to the desired size.

Location of Incisions

Most women can breastfeed after they have breast augmentation. But where the incisions are can affect this. Most plastic surgeons advise that women who want to breastfeed down the road have incisions under the breast or in the armpit.

Placement of Implants

Where should the surgeon make space for the breast implant? You can have it put between your mammary gland and the chest muscle or under the muscle. There are pluses and minuses to both options that you should discuss with your plastic surgeon.

What To Think About After Your Breast Augmentation

Now that your breast augmentation is in the books, what are some things to remember?

  • What you see right after the surgery isn't the final result: Swelling and bruising will occur for several weeks after your operation, so be patient. It could be a few months before you see the final results.
  • The implants may seem 'high and hard' at first. This is normal. They will soften and drop into their natural position over time.
  • You can reduce your pain and swelling by investing in one or two recovery bras. These bras are made to make your recovery more comfortable. They also stabilize the implants and boost circulation for better healing.
  • Get help from a friend or partner for the first few weeks at home, especially if you have children.
  • Get lots of rest, eat healthily and drink plenty of water.

Request a Portland Breast Augmentation Consultation

If you're dreaming of transforming your chest with a breast augmentation procedure, Dr. Aric Aghayan is proud to serve Portland area patients at his practice, Après Plastic Surgery. He can show you his online gallery of actual patients that have provided consent on his website.

He will consult with you for your Portland breast augmentation today by showing you photos. He'll go over the options, help you achieve your goals, and more to determine if you're an ideal candidate for surgery.


Embrace Your Evolution

Enjoy the pinnacle of cosmetic surgery expertise with board-certified Portland Plastic Surgeon Dr. Aric Aghayan at Après Plastic Surgery. With a legacy of over 1600 successful body contouring procedures, Dr. Aghayan stands as the foremost specialist in advanced body contouring technology and treatment options. Take the next big step on your beauty journey by scheduling a comprehensive plastic surgery consultation with Dr. Aghayan today.