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Blog Après Plastic Surgery

Best Liposuction Recovery & Tips

/ Dr. Aric Aghayan
Liposuction Recovery

With over 250,000 procedures performed each year, liposuction ranks among the most popular cosmetic surgeries in the US. It offers a means to contour your body by eliminating stubborn fat from areas that are resistant to diet and exercise, such as the abdomen, sides, thighs, and chin.

While Portland liposuction is considered safe and effective, it's essential to remember that it is still a surgical procedure, requiring a recovery period. However, under the care of a skilled plastic surgeon, you can expect a swift liposuction recovery.

To enhance your liposuction recovery, we provide several important tips for you to consider.

Eat A Healthy Diet

Eating a nutritious diet will give your body the fuel and energy it needs to for a the best liposuction recovery. Patients who eat a diet rich in lean protein, fruits, and vegetables will have less swelling and bruising.

Also, you should limit the amount of salt you consume because this will make swelling worse. Eating protein also speeds up wound healing and skin and muscle regrowth.

Fruits such as strawberry, grapefruit, and watermelon give your body the antioxidants it needs to recover quickly.

You should avoid simple carbohydrates and processed foods during your recovery because they usually contain excessive sodium.

Go For A Walk

Taking it easy is important for the first one or two days after surgery. But when you're up to it, go for a walk or other light exercise every day to keep the blood moving, which can speed up the healing process.

However, you shouldn't engage in vigorous exercise for two or three weeks. Your plastic surgeon will talk to you about which activities should be limited during the early liposuction recovery period.

Wear Compression Garments

Your surgeon will probably give you a compression garments to wear for several weeks after the procedure. This is important to reduce swelling and bruising. You should wear it all the time except for showering.

Also, the compression garment will ensure that your skin adheres to your slimmer profile. It's essential to ensure, you would need even more rest if there is no excess skin after the procedure.

Don't Smoke Or Drink

You want your body to heal as quickly as possible, so it's essential to avoid smoking and alcohol. Smoking interferes with the healing process and should be avoided for at least a month after surgery.

Drinking alcohol makes you dehydrated, and this also can inhibit your recovery. It also can make scars more visible, so avoid alcohol for the first month and up to six months or so after your liposuction surgery procedure.

If you smoke, your surgeon will tell you to stop at least a month before surgery. Then, if you need help quitting, they can provide you with resources to help.

Drink A Lot Of Water

Drinking a lot of water and staying hydrated will flush toxins out of your system and promote healing. Try to drink at least six to eight glasses of water per day.,

Get Rest

Liposuction is surgery, and your body needs to heal and rest for at least one to two weeks. Have a bedroom or couch available to rest as much as you can for the first few days.

Other than a brief daily walk, don't engage in other physical activity until your surgeon says so. But it is important to move a bit every day to keep the blood flowing.

You would need even more rest if you had other procedures, such as a Portland tummy tuck or thigh lift. In addition, some patients have other procedures with liposuction surgery to get all recovery over at one time.

Liposuction aftercare

Take Pain Medication If You Need It

You will be tired and sore after your procedure. If you need it, be sure to take the prescription pain medication your surgeon gives you. You may need this medication for the first few days.

After that, any pain you have can usually be managed with over-the-counter medication.

Ask For Help

It's essential to have someone available to help you at home for the first day or two. Talk to a friend or family member before the procedure to see if they can stay with you for one or two days.

If you have small children, you will need help with them for the first week. You also need to have someone drive you home from surgery.

Avoid Tight Clothing

You got liposuction surgery in part, so you look better in your clothes. But you should avoid snug clothing at first because it can interfere with fluid drainage.

Complications During Liposuction Recovery

Most patients have no significant side effects or complications from liposuction, but it is possible. The most likely complication is an infection at the incisions, but antibiotics can usually address this.

Other possible complications to watch for include:

  • Redness and discoloration, which may indicate an infection
  • Rippling and contouring deformity, which may require another procedure
  • Nerve pain, which usually resolves after one or two weeks
  • Excessive scarring
  • Anesthesia reaction
  • Skin necrosis

Remember that most liposuction procedures go well, so you shouldn't have significant issues. As long as the plastic surgeon is experienced and board-certified, you should have impressive results.

Liposuction is a popular choice for people who want to improve their body contours beyond what diet and exercise can do. Talk to your plastic surgeons today to find out if liposuction is right for you.

Post liposuction care

Questions about Liposuction Aftercare

How long does it take to heal from liposuction?

Immediate noticeable results may not be apparent immediately after the treatment due to post-procedural swelling. It is important to note that it can take up to six months for the treated area to fully settle and reveal the complete results.

What to expect immediately after liposuction?

Following the procedure, it is common to experience mild discomfort and observe bruising, redness, and swelling. Post liposuction care is important and you should adhere to the plastic Surgeons orders.

Request A Liposuction Consultation

Thinking about liposuction in Portland? Dr. Aric Aghayan, a board certified plastic surgeon, is proud to serve Portland area patients at his practice, Après Plastic Surgery.

He'll go over the options, goals, and more to determine if you're an ideal candidate for the liposuction procedure.


What You Need To Know About Your Liposuction Recovery. (n.d.). Accessed at https://www.plasticsurgery.org/news/blog/what-you-need-to-know-about-your-liposuction-recovery

Liposuction Recovery Overview. (2020). Accessed at https://www.healthline.com/health/cosmetic-surgery/liposuction-recovery

Recovery After Liposuction. (2020). Accessed at https://www.verywellhealth.com/recovery-after-liposuction-2709904

Embrace Your Evolution

Enjoy the pinnacle of cosmetic surgery expertise with board-certified Portland Plastic Surgeon Dr. Aric Aghayan at Après Plastic Surgery. With a legacy of over 1600 successful body contouring procedures, Dr. Aghayan stands as the foremost specialist in advanced body contouring technology and treatment options. Take the next big step on your beauty journey by scheduling a comprehensive plastic surgery consultation with Dr. Aghayan today.